Car Insurance Tips For Parents Of New Teen Drivers

When your teenager becomes the recipient of a driver's license, it is an exciting time for both your child and yourself. Along with this excitement comes the need to do some shopping around for car insurance so they can legally get behind the wheel to drive on their own. When it comes to car insurance for a new teen driver, many fear prices will be astronomical since their child is not yet experienced in driving extensively. [Read More]

How Parents Of Teen Drivers Can Save Money On Auto Insurance

Do you have a teenager who is almost old enough to drive? Are you worried about how much your auto insurance premiums will be once they start driving? While having a teen driver in the house can be expensive, it doesn't have to break the bank. Here are some tips on making sure that you get the best possible price on your insurance premium: Don't be afraid to shop around: Many people keep the same auto insurance year after year. [Read More]

Simple Steps To Make Filing A Claim With Your Homeowners Insurance Go Smoothly

Now that you're a homeowner, you want to make sure that your home insurance provides you with the maximum protection. There's no way of telling when you're going to suffer a loss that requires an insurance claim. If you ever do have to file a claim, you want to make sure you receive the coverage you're entitled to. Here are two things you should do to make your claim go as smoothly as possible. [Read More]

Disaster Preparation Tips To Help New Small Business Owners

When you own a small business, you need to be practical about recognizing the risk of natural disasters. These types of events can be devastating to a business, particularly one that is ill-prepared to face it. The more proactive you are about preparing your business for a potential disaster, the better your chances will be of restoring what you lost and getting business flowing again afterward. Here are some tips that every small business owner needs to know about disaster preparation. [Read More]