How To Save Money On Auto Insurance If You Have A Bad Driving Record
Auto insurance rates are based on a person's risk level, and this means that someone with a bad driving record will pay more than a person with a good driving record. If your driving record is less than stellar, you might want to know what you can do to save some money on your car insurance. Time and good habits will help you improve your risk level, but there are a few things you might be able to do right now that may help. Here are three options to consider.
Do what you can to improve your driving record
The first thing you could consider is taking a defensive driving course. This may or may not have an impact on lowering your insurance rates, but it certainly would not cause an increase in your rates. Some insurance companies may offer a 5% to 10% discount to drivers that successfully complete these courses, but you would have to check with the insurance company about this before you can know for sure.
Choose a higher deductible
One good way to decrease your auto insurance policy is by raising your deductible. A deductible is the amount you must pay if you get in an accident. After paying that, your insurance company will pay the rest. By increasing your deductible, your policy premium will go down.
This occurs because a higher deductible means less money an insurance company has to pay if there is a claim filed. If you currently have a $500 deductible, you could raise it to $1,000 or even higher. Before you do this, ask your insurance company what the difference in costs would be if you made this change.
Shop around for your policy
Finally, you have the freedom to choose the insurance company you use for your auto insurance. This gives you the opportunity to shop around with multiple companies. When you do this, be sure to get a quote from each company that is comparable. This means that you should make sure each company is offering the exact same coverage as the others. This is the best way to compare insurance quotes, because you will be comparing the quotes apples to apples.
If you are tired of paying a lot of money for your auto insurance, do something about it. Contact an auto insurance company like Clifford P Beauvais Insurance Agency to learn more about insurance quotes and ways to save money on your auto insurance coverage.